Each PMA server will require an activated license file to allow the product to operate. A license can either be activated online (presuming there is an internet connection) or offline where an activation request file can be generated and once emailed and processed by Proventeq, an activation response file can be upload to complete the license activation.
A License can support several migration paths e.g. ShareFile and File Shares to SharePoint Online.
License consumption is based upon the volume of data, so customers may purchase a 200GB license etc. An item will consume license as soon as any Migration Phase operations, such as Extract metadata, Classify etc. So even if no migration into the target has taken place, license will still be consumed. Discovery does not consume license.
NOTE: If the migration requires more than one PMA server then it’s essential to understand the volume of data each server is going to migrate as license volumes are controlled on a per server basis. Incorrect amounts could lead to project delays due to license being fully consumed.
Delta migrations will consume license.
If the Undo operation is used, undo will free up license consumption for items processed up to steps 1-3 but NOT for migrated items. That means the undo of migrated items will effectively consume license twice.
PMA has a trial license and this is not based upon volume but the number of items discovered or migrated.