11.9. Undo Migration


The Undo option will reset the system back to the state it was after discovery by deleting any of the data generated from migration steps 1 – 4, including deletion of the items from the target.  This means all the records captured by discovery are still in the PMA database and a re-run of Discovery is not required.

Note: Undo will ‘reset’ the license consumption for items undo is for steps 1-3 ONLY.  Undo of migrated items does NOT reset the license.  That means if an item is migrated to the target, then deleted and then re-migrated that would consume the license twice.

Undo can be used when a problem has occurred and so some of the steps that have already been executed need to be corrected and run again. 

The undo option is displayed on the Data Processing and Migration screen once any of the steps in phase 3 (Extract, Classify, Transform or Load) are executed. If data has been migrated to the target undo option will delete them irrespective of whether they have been subsequently modified.  The deletion may fail if retention plans do not allow items to be deleted.


Undo Scenarios

  • Items are migrated to the incorrect location, due to structure mapping issues
  • Migration items have incorrect metadata properties or content types
  • Migrated items have incorrect security information
  • Step 2 (Classify) or Step 3 (Transform) have been run but the results as shown in the Items List suggest the data is incorrect.
  • Source item metadata has changed




If the “undo any structure mappings” option is selected, Undo will delete any structure mapping information.  Content Type settings Security mappings are not removed by Undo.

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