8.1. Mapping Content Types
For details on what are content types, what is content type mapping see 1.2. Migration Terms and Concepts.
Until a Source Content Type is mapped, items of that type cannot be migrated. Automatic content type mapping will occur for ‘well known’ content types.
In this example there is an unmapped Content Type in the Source named ‘File’. So, we are going to map ‘File’ to a Content Type of ‘Document’ in the Target.
Click on Content & Metadata Mapping. The left pane shows Unmapped Content Types for the source, the right pane shows Mapped Content Types.
Click on ‘File’ and click on ‘Document’ in the Target and select the Map button. The entry File>Document will appear in the Mapped Content Types table. The exact details of how metadata fields are moved between these mapped content types can be reviewed and edited by selecting the icon to display the Target Metadata Mapping.
8.1.1. Reviewing default content type mappings
PMA has an automatic content type mapping feature but these should still be reviewed carefully because, even if a source content type is mapped, that doesn’t mean every attribute on that type is assigned to a target field.