5.5. Reporting


The reporting option provides access to the following reports. 

  • Discovery Report
  • Embedded Links Report
  • Pre-check Report
  • Migrated Items Report
  • Failed Items Report
  • Migration Audit Report
  • Performance Report




When a report is displayed the list of reports minimises but the expand open can be used to display them again.


          5.5.1.  Discovery Report


Displays a list of all items that have been discovered in the source along with additional metadata information and overall status of the item.  It’s important to review this for correctness and completeness to ensure subsequent steps in the migration process proceed on a sound footing.



          5.5.2.  Pre-Check Report


Displays a list of items that have been identified as potential issues by the Pre-Check step.  A breakdown of the issues by type appears in the drop down list.  Selecting the appropriate Filter will list the items affected by this pre-migration check. 



          5.5.3.  Migrated Items Report

Displays a list of all items with a Status of Success.


          5.5.4.  Failed Items Report

Displays a list of all items with a Status of Failed.  This is useful to understand issues from a migration and what steps to take to resolve issues.


          5.5.5.  Error Summary Report

Over several releases, PMA errors have been enhanced to include a error code to simplify error resolution.  These are a 3 digit number that will appear in the status message text and can be clicked to perform a search of the PMA support knowledgebase.

For fixed error codes that have occurred in the processing of a task the error summary report will list them and the number of occurrences. 

NOTE: Since not all errors currently have a fixed error code, the report also displays a total count of all other errors and more details of them can be seen in the failed items report.


          5.5.6.  Migration Audit Report

Displays a list of all items in the source, irrespective of processing status.  This is a useful way of tracking over migration and often this data is exported and presented to the customer for their records.


          5.5.7.  Performance Report

Display migration statistics between the specified date period and summarised on hourly or daily basis.




By default periods of no processing will not appear in the table unless the toggle ‘Show rows with no processing’ is selected.

The overall processing rate (GB per hour) is also calculated and displayed.  Time periods for which migration occurs are treated as whole units so for example if processing occurs over a 1 hour period spread across two hours, the hourly rate is based upon 2 hours.  With longer processing runs this impacts the overall processing rate calculation less.  Selecting the ‘show rows with no processing’ also affects the overall processing rate calculation because then hours during the time period with no processing are included in the calculation.










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