5.2. Load Statistics


This section is updated when the Step 4 Load – Migrate to Target operation is executed to migrate items into the target.


Documents – Broken down by Migrated, Errored and Pending

Folders – Broken down by Migrated, Errored and Pending


Migration Status                      Status from the last migration run

Documents*                            Broken down by Migrated, Error and Pending. 

Folders*                                   Broken down by Migrated, Error and Pending

Links                                        Shortcut links broken down by Migrated, Error and Pending

Total Migration

Migrated                                 Total Number of documents and folders that have been migrated

Error                                        Number of items that have failed migration

Pending                                   Items yet to be migrated


*When Include Total versions is not selected, if versions of the same item have different processing states it is represented as follows.  Any version with Error will count as Error, otherwise any version with Pending will count as Pending, otherwise all versions have to be migrated to count as Migrated.

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