4.2. Add a New Target Connection


Items are migrated to the system specified by a target connection.  When creating a target connection relevant credentials and details of where to migrate to will be required.

Adding a new target connection can either be done from the Migration Job creation wizard or from the Connections option displayed in the Navigation Panel. The target systems shown is determined by the PCS licence that has been applied.  Often it will by a single target.




         4.2.1.  Adding SharePoint Online Target

For more information on authentication options see Accessing Microsoft 365 from PMA – Proventeq Migration Accelerator


The following fields needs to be configured for a SharePoint Connection:  

  • Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection
  • Connect To: Select Tenant or Site Collection
  • SharePoint URL: The SharePoint Tenant, Site collection or Team URL 

Connect To: Tenant or Site Collection

  • Site Collection – To migrate to a particular site collection.  

Tenant – A Tenant is the parent of all Site Collections.  This Tenant option can be used when there is a need to migrate data into more than one Site Collection or when migrating data to OneDrive. Details of the specific Site Collection within the Tenant to migrate to can be specified in the Migration Job Creation wizard or later, using Structure Mapping feature.  Note the tenant role SharePoint Administrator(SPAdmin) is required when using this option to allow it to see across all Site Collections. 

SharePoint URL:

When connecting to SharePoint the URL should be as follows

Target Connection URL format
Root Site Collection https://<tenancyname>.sharepoint.com
Specific Site Collection

https://<tenancyname>.sharepoint.com/sites/<Site Name>


Team Site https://proventeq365.sharepoint.com/teams/<Site Name>
Tenant https://<tenancyname>-admin.sharepoint.com

SharePoint Authentication Methods

There are several authentication methods that can be used to connect to SharePoint

  • SharePoint Online – App Based Authentication (recommended)
  • SharePoint Online - Client Id Authentication
  • SharePoint Online - Admin Credentials Authentication 

SharePoint Online – App Based Authentication 

The general recommendation is to use App based Authentication whenever possible.

You will need to provide the URL below to your Global Administrator to provide admin consent and return to the application after they have granted consent. 


For information on how to get TenantID for your organisation see





If user is Global admin user, then the user will get a consent screen and user will need to accept the consent. 




Tick the checkbox for giving the consent on behalf of your organisation and click on the “Accept” button. This will redirect you back to Add Target Connection screen. 

If user is not Global Admin, then user will need to request Admin user to login and accept the consent for Proventeq Migration Accelerator application. 




Note: To know more about Azure application permissions and admin consent in Microsoft identity platform endpoint. Please refer the below link:





App Based Authentication Settings:

  • Username: The Username for connecting to SharePoint. If connect is to Tenant option, then user should be SharePoint Online Admin or Global Admin of the Office365 tenant. If connection is to Site Collection, then the user should be a site collection administrator. 
  • Password: The Password for the above-mentioned user. 
  • Default User: The default user to be used for setting Author/Editor fields in the target Site Collection if the source user is not found. This field is optional. See Processing empty source user fields.

Click on the "Test Connection" button, a screen will pop-up to sign into the account of the whitelisted username by Microsoft. 

Click on the “Add” button to add the SharePoint connection.


SharePoint Online - Client Id Authentication


Client Id Authentication Settings: 

  • Client ID: The app-only principal Client ID. 
  • Client Secret: The app-only principal Client Secret. 
  • Default User: The default user to be used for setting Author/Editor fields in the target Site Collection if the source user is not found. This field is optional.  See Processing empty source user fields.

Click on the "Test Connection" button to verify that the details entered are correct. 

Click on the “Add” button to add the SharePoint connection. 

Note: To set up app-only principal Client ID/Client Secret. Please refer the below link: 


SharePoint Online - Admin Credentials Authentication

NOTE: The method of connection below is NOT recommended for production use as it will decrease migration speed due to increased levels of throttling from SharePoint Online.




Admin Credentials Authentication Settings: 

  • Username: The Username for connecting to SharePoint. The user should be a site collection administrator for the target Site Collection or SharePoint Online Admin for the tenant level connection. 
  • Password: The Password for the above-mentioned user. 
  • Default User: The default user to be used for setting Author/Editor fields in the target Site Collection if the source user is not found. This field is optional. See Processing empty source user fields

NOTE: When connecting using this method, it’s still necessary to use an Application ID to authenticate.  By default this will require the PMA Application ID ‘d1e5e128-9660-4380-aabb-3e0061c1047c’ to be authorised on the tenant.  If this is not possible then you may use the Microsoft SPO Management client id instead which is pre-registered on all tenants.  This can be done by changing the PmaAppId configuration key as follows:-

 <add key="SharePoint.PmaAppId" value="9bc3ab49-b65d-410a-85ad-de819febfddc" /> 

Once configured, the connection will work as the Application ID is already approved.



Click on the "Test Connection" button to verify that the details entered are correct. 

Click on the “Add” button to add the SharePoint connection. 


Note:PMA supports migration to GCC (Government Community Cloud).  So if the domain is other than “. sharepoint.com” then update the application[NM1]  configuration file typically located here ("C:\Program Files\Proventeq\Proventeq Content Suite\Proventeq.MigrationAccelerator.exe.config"). These keys can be found in the <AppSettings> section.

<add key="SharePointOnlineDomainPart" value=".sharepoint.us" /> 

<add key="SharepointOnlineAzureEnvironment" value="USGovernment"/> 


Select Target Connection Path

Select the root path items should be migrated to.  The migration target specified here is combined with information in structure mapping to determine the exact location where items will be migrated to.





         4.2.2.  Configuration when connecting to Tenant

The following are steps to add a SharePoint Online Tenant as a Target.  A Tenant level connection is useful if the migration will be to more than one Site Collection.

If the connect is to Tenant then all the Site Collections in that tenant will be listed below.



                If the Migration is to OneDrive select OneDrive.

                Expand to select a collection site

                Click on to apply a filter to find the site of interest




NOTE: The selected item can be a specific folder, Document Library, Site Collection or Site.  The higher level the node selected then the more information that will need to be specified later in Structure Mapping to specify exactly where data should be migrated to. For example, if no Library is selected here, then that information will need to be provided in Structure Mapping.  See

Phase 2 – Structure mapping for more information.

After select the appropriate node, Click Next to specify additional job settings


         4.2.3.  Adding M-Files Target



Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

ServerUrl: URL of the target M-Files server.

Port Number: Port number for the COM API utilization

Username: Username for connecting to M-Files server. The user should be an administrator for the target M-Files system.

Password: Password for the above-mentioned user.

COM API Connection Type: Connection protocol - HTTPS, TCP or gRPC connection.  Selecting gRPC and select port 443 if connecting to M-files cloud.


         4.2.4.  Adding Azure Storage



Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Connection String: To configure Azure target connection, you will need to enter a Connection String from a Shared Access Signature with these properties as a minimum:-




         4.2.5.  Adding SharePoint 2019




Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Site Collection URL: Full URL of target site.

Username and password: Account specified requires Admin rights on the site collection.

Domain Name: Windows domain that the SP2019 system is located in.

Default User: The default user to be used for setting Author/Editor fields in the target Site Collection if the source user is not found. This field is optional. See Processing empty source user fields.


         4.2.6.  Additional Job Settings

To simplify job creation, settings from other jobs can be copied and applied to this job.   These settings are the Structure, Content Type and Security mapping.  The following options are available:

  • Default Settings

Job is created with default settings, and no information copied from existing jobs.  No structure mapping settings or security mapping and only standard Content Type assignments will be configured.

  • Copy settings from file

In Migration Job Management,  the Content Type Mappings and General settings from a job can be exported to files.  Using this Copy settings option allows these to be imported.  This is especially useful for copying these settings across PMA servers. Custom classifications and security/permission information is NOT copied.

NOTE:  This option can only be used between jobs that have the same source and target.  i.e. It’s not possible to create a job migrating from File Share and use those settings to create a job migrating from Documentum.

  • Copy settings from existing job

Allows the user to select an existing job to copy Content Type Mappings, Custom Classification and General settings from another job.  It will NOT copy any custom content type settings as these are not transferrable between jobs.  This option will only be displayed if other jobs have been created. 

Job Summary

Before creating the job, review the details shown on the Job Summary screen and alter the job name if necessary.




Clicking Create Job will create the job and the Migration Dashboard will be displayed.










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