4.1. Add a New Source Connection


Items are migrated from the system specified by a source connection. Relevant security credentials will be required


Select the source platform to migrate from. 


Only platforms that are licensed for migration will be listed above.

NOTE: In most sources below, it’s possible to filter the folders that are displayed using the  icon.  This only affects the folders that are displayed and is NOT the way to apply a filter to what should be discovered.  Use Change Settings on Discovery to apply filters to discovery.


          4.1.1.  Adding a File Share as a Source




Provide a name for this Source and specify the location or select the Browse icon.

Source Plugin:  Select "Default Source Plugin"

Test the Connection before adding the Source Connection.



          4.1.2.  Adding ShareFile as a Source



The following fields needs to be configured for a ShareFile Connection:

Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Base URL: URL of the system ShareFile. E.g. https://sfacme.sharefile.com

The Client id and client secret below can be obtained by clicking on Get an API Key on the following site https://api.sharefile.com

Client id: Client ID of the Source ShareFile.

Client Secret: Client Secret of the Source ShareFile.

Username: Username for connecting to ShareFile. The user should be an administrator.

Password: Password for the above-mentioned user or application specific password if using MFA.

Note:  If system is using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) then it’s necessary to generate an application specific password and use the password it generates here. 


Log into customer domain e.g. https://sfacme.sharefile.com

Go to Personal Settings > Personal Security > Two-Step Verification > scroll down to Application-Specific Passwords and click Generate Password. 

Full details here https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX277723#generate

Time Zone: If Source and Target are in different time zones.

Specify the exact parent folder to migrate from



Browse and select Folder using the folder selection dialog.

See Error! Reference source not found. for more information on migrating from ShareFile e.g. how to create API Key etc. Personal Files, Content types etc.


         4.1.3.  Adding Documentum Source

Documentum has a database and a file storage component so access details to both may be required.  The exact information required depends upon several factors.

  • Whether to use Documentum API for Discovery and retrieval of items.
  • Whether Documentum is using an Oracle database or a Microsoft SQL database.
  • Whether using retrieval method of File Store or API

If the option to use API for Discovery and Migration below is selected then the API is for Discovery and retrieval so then only server URL, username and password are required.

Retrieval Method controls how items should be retrieved from Documentum.  The API retrieval method means that PMA will call the Documentum API to retrieve items.  The File Store method means that PMA will access the Documentum files on disk directly to retrieve content.  API method provides improved compatibility/reliability in some scenarios, but File Store can provide faster retrieval because it will bypass the Documentum system. 






Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

If the option to use API for Discovery and Migration is selected, then the API is for Discovery and retrieval so only the following details are required.  This can make configuration easier, but API methods can be slower than using PMA to access the underlying system directly.

Server URL:  REST URL of the target Documentum Content Server. This is normally the hostname/IP address of the Documentum server followed by “:8080/dctm-rest/services” e.g.

Username:  This is the Username for connecting to Documentum. The user should be an Administrator of Documentum.

Password:  This is the password for the above user.

Ignored Cabinets  - Cabinets not to be processed  e.g. System,Temp,Resources

If not using API for Discovery and Retrieval(this is the default recommended option)

Select DB Type : SQL or Oracle (type of database used by Documentum)


If using Oracle:

Host Database Server: Name of Oracle database server hosting Documentum database.

Port: Port number for Oracle database system

Whether to use SID or Service Name

SID/Service Name:

Database Schema:

Username & Password- Details of account with access to Documentum database.

If using SQL:

            Server: Name of SQL database server hosting Documentum database.

            Port: Port number for Microsoft SQL server database system

            Name of Documentum database: Documentum database name

            Option to use Integrated Security.  It selected the PMA service account (i.e. the account it runs under will be used to access SQL.  If not selected, then required to specify details username and password of a SQL login account with access.

Content Retrieval Method

This setting controls whether items are retrieved using requests to the Documentum API or by PMA accessing the information directly. 





Server URL:  REST URL of the target Documentum Content Server. This is normally the hostname/IP address of the Documentum server followed by “:8080/dctm-rest/services” e.g.

Username: :  This is the Username for connecting to Documentum. The user should be an Administrator of Documentum.

Password:  Password for the above user

Ignored Cabinets  - Cabinets not to be processed  e.g. System,Temp,Resources

       File Store




Path Overrides: If the path in the database cannot be resolved from the PMA server, this feature can be used to ‘map’ that entry to an accessible location.  Can also be used when source data is copied to another location.

The details of path overrides can also be specified in a .CSV file and imported. Below is example of formatting required.





NOTE: The override information is used during the discovery process to create source path URI for items.  If the path override is edited after discovery, it may be necessary to reset and rerun discovery for these changes to be processed.

Ignored Cabinets: Cabinets not to be processed e.g. System,Temp,Resources

NOTE: Virtual documents will be migrated as Document Sets in SharePoint so it is necessary to enable this feature on the SharePoint site collection.


         4.1.4.  Adding BOX Source



Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Box URL: URL of the Box system. Usually this will be https://app.box.com

Box User: Username of Box enterprise admin account

Load JWT from:

The PMA Box connector supports the JWT (JSON web token) method of authentication.  The token can either be located in a .JSON file or select ‘Inline text’ and enter the token in the specified field.

File: Location of a file containing JWT token 

Inline text: String containing JWT token

NOTE:  When migrating from BOX, API calls are used to discover and retrieve data.  This is likely to have an impact on the API limits associated with your BOX system.  Therefore it’s essential to discuss your API call limits with your BOX Account Manager.  See 14.2.2. for details of how migration consumes BOX API


          4.1.5.  Adding iManage Source

To discovery and therefore migrate from iManage it’s necessary to place a copy of the iManage database onto the same SQL server that the PMA Staging database is hosted on.  If a hosted iManage system is being used, then contact iManage to request a copy of your database.




Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Server Name:  Name of SQL server hosting iManage database.

Use Integrated Security – If selected then the account currently logged into will be used to access the iManage database. 

Username and password: If Use Integrated Security is unselected then specify the username and password of an SQL Login account with access to the iManage database.

Content Retrieval Method:

There are two methods that can be used to retrieve iManage data, “API” or “File Store”. If the iManage system is hosted or encrypted then you MUST use the API method. The File Store method means that PMA will retrieve the underlying iManage files rather than use the iManage API. You may choose to copy the files to the PMA server to reduce network impact and improve performance.

File Store retrieval method:

 File Location: Optional.  If the iManage files have been copied from the iManage server to another location for migration, specify the location here.

Database Alias  (optional) Can be used to identify a specific iManage instance. 

API retrieval method:

URL: IManage URL

Username: IManage Username

Password: IManage Password

Database Alias  (optional) Can be used to identify a specific iManage instance. 

NOTE: Migration of Workflows from iManage is not supported


         4.1.6.  Adding FileNet P8 Source

PMA can either use the Filenet API for both discovery and retrieval or be configured to access the Filenet database directly.  It supports Filenet using Microsoft, Oracle or DB2 databases.




The following fields needs to be configured for a FileNet P8 Connection:

Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Service URL: URL of the FileNet Web API service hosted on Content Engine server.

Username:  Filenet Username for connecting to FileNet Content Engine. The user should have Administrator privileges.  Domain accounts are not supported.

Password: Password for the above user.

WorkPlace XT URL: Normally of the form, e.g. “http://acmecorpfilenet:9080/WorkplaceXT”. The FileNet WorkplaceXT is normally hosted on FileNet XT Server.

API for Discovery and Migration: With this toggle off(default), PMA will access the Filenet database directly during discovery and use the FileNet API for retrieval.  If toggle selected, the Filenet API will be used for both discovery and retrieval.

Connection Types:  Specify the database product used by Filenet.  It can either be SQL, Oracle or DB2.

Filenet p8 using Oracle Database




Host Database Server: Name of Oracle database server hosting Filenet database.

Port: Port number for Oracle database system

Whether to use SID or Service Name

Username and Password:  Credentials of account with access to Oracle database

SID/Service Name: Name of SID/Service

SQL Schema: Oracle SQL schema

Filenet p8 using SQL Database




Object Store name – Filenet Object store

Host Database Server: Name of SQL database server hosting Filenet database.

Option to use Integrated Security.  It selected the PMA service account (i.e. the account it runs under will be used to access SQL.  If not selected, then required to specify details username and password of a SQL login account with access.

Database: Name of Filenet SQL database.

SQL Schema:  e.g. dbo


Filenet p8 using DB2 Database




Object Store name – Filenet object store

Host Database Server: Name of DB2 database server hosting Filenet database.

Database: Name of Filenet SQL database.

Port: Port used to connect to DB2 database.

Username and password: Credentials to access DB2 database.


         4.1.7.  Adding Alfresco Source




Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

SiteURL:  URL for Alfresco API.  This is either in the format

http://<Alfresco server>:<port>/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser

e.g. http://prodcms:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser


http://<Alfresco server>:<port>/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom

Username and Password: Details of account with access to Alfresco server

Use Kerberos: Select to use Kerberos


         4.1.8.  Adding OpenText CS Source




NOTE:   Only OpenText CS using Microsoft SQL is supported at this time.  Contact Technical Support for more information.

Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Server URL:  URL of OpenText system.   http://<opentextserver>/otcs/cs.exe/ 

Username and Password: Details of account with access to OpenText CS server

Source Database: Select whether OpenText is using SQL Server or Oracle as it’s backend database.

If using SQL Server

Database server name: Name of Microsoft SQL server storing OpenText database.

Database name:  Name of OpenText SQL database

Use Integrated Security – If selected then the account currently logged into will be used to access the database. 

Username and password: If Use Integrated Security is unselected then specify the username and password of an SQL Login account with access to the database.

SQL Schema: SQL schema name of OpenText Database.


         4.1.9.  Adding OpenText Edocs Source

To discover and therefore migrate from EDocs, it’s necessary to place a copy of the EDocs database onto the same SQL server that the PMA Staging database is hosted on.



Name: Name of connection, to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Server:  Name of SQL server hosting EDocs database.

Use Integrated Security – If selected then the account currently logged into will be used to access the EDocs database. 

Username and password: If Use Integrated Security is unselected then specify the username and password of an SQL Login account with access to the EDocs database.

Database Name: Name of EDocs SQL database

File location: Location where EDocs files are stored.  If the documents to be discovered are located across multiple file locations this can be customised by Proventeq with Premium Support or Professional Services.


         4.1.10.  Adding M-Files Source




Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

ServerUrl: URL of the source M-Files server.

Port Number: Port number for the COM API utilization

Username: Username for connecting to M-Files server. The user should be an administrator for the source M-Files system.

Password: Password for the above-mentioned user.

COM API Connection Type: HTTPS or TCP connection.


         4.1.11.  Adding Oracle UCM Source


PCS support migrations from Oracle UCM that use either Microsoft SQL or Oracle as their underlying database.




Name: Name of connection to uniquely identify the connection within the workspace.

Server Url: URL of the source Oracle UCM server.  e.g. http://ucmsys.acmecorp.com/16200/_dav/cs/idcplg

Username & Password: Credentials of account with Oracle UCM access

Use UCM Profiles –

Oracle UCM using SQL Server




Host Server: Name of SQL database server hosting Oracle UCM database.

Name of Oracle UCM database:

Port: Port number used by SQL server

Option to use Integrated Security.  It selected the PMA service account (i.e. the account it runs under will be used to access SQL.  If not selected, then required to specify details username and password of a SQL login account with access.

SQL Schema:  e.g. dbo

Oracle UCM using Oracle Database




Host Database Server: Name of Oracle database server hosting Oracle UCM database.

Port: Port used by Oracle database server

Whether to use SID or Service Name

SID/Service Name:

Username & Password- Details of account with access to Oracle UCM database.

OCS Schema:


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