HowTo: Handle scenarios in which Folders/Containers are categorised in the Source System


In some source system configurations, containers are assigned categories in the same way that items are.

This seems reasonable on the surface but there could be scenarios where this can be problematic.

A classic example is the case where all items in the Source Category ‘HR’ are mapped to a target Content Type ‘Document’: the intention is clearly to map all HR documents to the ‘Document’ Content Type. However, it could easily be the case that the parent containers of these documents are also categorised as ‘HR’ – leading to unexpected processing errors when the application tries to load them.

To avoid this issue, a Custom Content Type can be created to aggregate all the Folders/Containers into a single Content Type. This is possible because Custom Content Types have a higher order of precedence during classification.

    1. Click on the “Settings” button in the “Migration Tasks” pane at the bottom of Proventeq Migration Accelerator Home screen for the selected Migration Task.
    2. Select the ‘Content Type Mapping Settings’ tab in the Migration Task Settings window if it is not already open.

    3. Click on the “Add a new Source Classification” button, in the upper-right corner of the ‘Unmapped Source Content Types’ panel, as shown in the image below.

    4. Enter a descriptive name such as ‘Custom Container in the Content Type Name

    5. In the Base Content Type drop-down menu, select a Content Type that the items of this new Content Type will derive from. This should be a generic type that contains the same metadata fields as a container/folder in the source system.

    6. For the Script Language select ‘PowerShell’.

    7. Replace the text in the script body area with the following script definition:

      return $true
      return $false

    8. Verify that your entered data is analogous to the image below, then click the ‘Ok’ button to save your new content type.


Now that your Content Type has been created, all that remains is to map it to its respective target Content Type.

  1. First, select your Custom Content Type from the ‘Unmapped Source Content Type’ pane.

  2. Next, select the desired target Content Type from the ‘Available Target Content Type Pane’.

  3. Then, click the ‘Map’ button; in doing so should result in the ‘Content Type Mapping Settings’ window appearing.

  4. Finally, proceed to map the relevant metadata fields as usual.



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